Wego provides Soy Protein!

Wego provides Soy Protein, CAS 9010-10-0


Wego has the capability to stock and sell Soy Protein in the United States (USA), Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Turkey, and Europe. As a supplier of Soy Protein, Wego provides supply chain solutions and specialists to find the right product for your industry and application requirements.

Soy protein is a plant-based protein derived from soybeans, known for its high protein content and wide range of applications in food products. The three types of Soy Protein include Soy Protein Isolate (SPI), which contains about 90-95% protein, Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC), with about 70% protein, and Textured Soy Protein (TSP), which contains about 50-70% protein.

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Soy protein is a versatile, high-quality protein source that is suitable for a variety of dietary needs and preferences. Its use ranges from dietary supplements to meat and dairy alternatives, making it a valuable ingredient in both health and culinary contexts. Soy protein is also biodegradable and has uses in the Household, Industrial, & Institutional industry.

Food & Beverage

Meat Alternatives: Used to create plant-based meats such as soy burgers, sausages, nuggets, and meatballs.

Dairy Alternatives: Used as a key ingredient in soy milk, soy yogurt and cheese, and soy creamers and ice cream. Soy protein provides a dairy-free alternative rich in protein for those who are lactose intolerant or prefer plant-based diets.

Baked Goods: Soy protein is added to bread, muffins, and other baked goods to enhance their protein content and improve nutritional value. Soy protein can also be used in gluten-free baking to improve texture and add protein.

Beverages: Soy protein Isolate is commonly used in protein shakes and smoothies, providing a high-quality protein source for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Many meal replacement beverages use Soy protein because of its complete amino acid profile and easy digestibility.

Snacks and Bars: Soy protein is often used in protein bars and chips and crackers to provide a plant-based protein option with an enhanced nutritional profile.

Processed Foods: Soy protein can be added to cereal, granola, and pasta to increase their protein content.

Functional Benefits: Soy protein can act as an emulsifier in products like salad dressings, sauces, and spreads, helping to blend oil and water-based ingredients. It is used in processed foods to improve texture and moisture retention. In baked goods and meat alternatives, soy protein helps bind ingredients together, improving consistency and structure.

Nutritional Supplements: Soy protein isolate is used in powdered form for protein supplements, catering to those seeking plant-based protein options. Pre-made protein shakes often contain Soy protein.


Surfactants and Detergents: Soy Protein derivatives can act as surfactants. They help in reducing the surface tension of water and are used in household cleaning products, laundry detergents, and industrial cleaning agents.

Emulsifiers: Soy proteins can act as emulsifiers, helping to stabilize mixtures of oil and water. It aids in stable formulation for products like polishes and waxes.

Foaming & Binding Agents: Soy proteins can help produce and stabilize foam in products such as shampoos, dishwashing liquids, and carpet cleaners. Soy proteins can also be used as binding agents, helping to hold ingredients together.

Thickeners/Rust Inhibitors: Soy proteins can act as thickeners in liquid formulations, providing the desired viscosity and texture in products. Some soy protein derivatives have also been found to offer rust-inhibiting properties, making them useful in industrial cleaners and coatings.



Vegetable protein, plant protein, soy isolate.



Food & Beverage, Food Additives, Household, Industrial & Institutional Chemicals, Surfactants & Emulsifiers, Emulsifiers, Sweeteners



Chemical & Materials Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, HI&I - Household, Industrial & Institutional



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Posted on July 2, 2024